Prof.Dr. Fazıl Apaydın

Prof. Dr. Fazıl Apaydın was born in 1961 in İzmir. After finishing Agah Efendi elemantary school, he has gone to İzmir Bornova Anadolu High School in 1972. He was graduated from Ege University Medical Faculty in 1985 as a medical doctor. He has finished ENT residency at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Ege University in İzmir. He has kept working at the same department where he has been promoted as asistant professor in 1995, associate professor in 1999 and professor in 2004. He has still been working as a full-time professor at the same department. Besides, he has been working in his private clinic since 2004.
After being promoted as an associate professor in 1999, he has chosen “Facial Plastic Surgery” as his subspecialty. In 1999, he has visited the Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A, for two months. He has been very lucky to learn from two masters of rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery: Eugene Tardy and Dean Toriumi. He has started creating his computer program for rhinoplasty, Rhinobase, a database program dedicated to record keeping, automated facial analysis tool and picture archiving utility. He has organized 4 very big international meetings on rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery from 2000 to 2008 together with his teachers from Chicago. He has been announced as honorary faculty of the Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A, in 2005.
He has been elected as the national delegate of Turkey for the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) in 2000, a position which has continued for 15 years. He has served as the website committee chairman of EAFPS from 2002 to 2009. He has been also elected as the EAFPS representative in UEMS-ORL (European Union of Medical Specialists – Otorhinolaryngology section) in 2009. He has organized the annual meeting of EAFPS in Antalya in 2010 with Prof. Dr. Halis Ünlü as co-presidents. In 2013, he has been elected as the general secretary of EAFPS in Oslo; then as the president-elect in 2015 in Cannes; and has taken the presidency of EAFPS in 2017 in Lisbon and served for two years as the president. Currently, he is still an executive board member of EAFPS as the immediate past-president.
The Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery has founded working-groups for different subspecialties in 2001. He has been elected as the president of the Facial Plastic Surgery working group from 2001 to 2005. He is one of the founding members of the The Turkish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery which has been founded in 2005. He has served as the president of this society from 20008 to 2012. He is still an executive board member of the same society.
He has passed the board exam for certification in Facial Plastic Surgery which has been done in Washington by the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery in 2007 and he has been the first Turkish surgeon to succeed in this exam. The European Board for certification in Facial Plastic Surgery has been founded in 2013 and Prof. Apaydın has served as a member of this board for 5 years. He has been elected as a member of the International Board for certification in Facial Plastic Surgery in 2013. In 2017, he has been elected as the EAFPS representative in the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies.
Since 2001, he has been participating and organizing many international and national educational meetings for rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery all over the world as a lecturer, course teacher, cadaver dissection instructor and surgeon. He has been the co-president of Intercontinental Rhinoplasty meeting which is organized annually since 10 years. In recent years he has been spending one third of the year travelling for these educational and professional activities. For example in 2018, he has been very active by participating to 23 international meetings and has performed 141 educational activities in addition to 8 national meetings.
The Ear-Nose and Throat Department of Ege University has been founded 60 years ago. It has very famous faculty members for each subspecialty of ear-nose-throat dieases and head-neck surgery, ie, otology, rhinology, facial plastic surgery, head-neck surgery, pediatric otorhinolaryngology, phoniatrics and audiology. Prof. Apaydin has started working as the head of the facial plastic surgery division since 1999. At the university, rhinoplasty, reconstruction of facial defects, otoplasty, rehabilitation of facial paralysis and various reconstructive operations are being performed under facial plastic surgery. EAFPS has recognized the department as an excellence center for its fellows since 2009. Many fellows and visitors have been coming from European countries and all parts of the world to learn since then.
Prof. Apaydin is married for 31 years and has got a 30-year old daughter. He speaks English very fluently, German fluently and French at a basic level.